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Mushroom kits

Mushroom Recipes
Match mushrooms to your meal PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 18 December 2010 06:23

New kinds of mushrooms are popping up in grocery stores, leading to questions from cooks and consumers. What are the leading varieties, and how do you select and store them?

1) Chefs have always loved mushrooms, and now so do home cooks. "Mushrooms are the hottest item in produce," said Willie Itule, owner of Itule Produce in Phoenix, which ships mushrooms to Arizona stores and restaurants daily. Mushrooms have an earthy taste, are low in carbohydrates, and contain no fat, cholesterol or sodium. Select mushrooms that are smooth, firm and unblemished. Handle with care - mushrooms bruise every time they are touched. Do not wash before storing. Keep them in a paper bag in the refrigerator for up to a week. Before cooking or serving, rinse quickly in cool water, drain and shake off water.

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