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Fairy Ring Mushroom - Marasmius arcades
Comments: 2

Fairy Ring Mushroom - Marasmius arcades


Fairy Ring Mushroom - Marasmius arcades
Edibility: Good
Habitat: In lawns and other grassy areas, often in fairy rings.
Range: Widely distributed in North America.
Season: May-September; year-round in California
Spore Color: White
Mushroom Shape: Funnel like Mushrooms
Lookalikes: Collybia acervata grows on decayed coniferous wood and lacks dots.
Description: Dry, buff to tan. knobbed cap with off white gills and felted, rubbery stalk; in grass. Cap: (l-4 cm) wide; bell shaped with inrolled margin, becoming convex to broadly knobbed; margin upturned with age; dry, smooth, feltlike; pale yellowish-brown, fading to buff-white, sometimes grayish- to reddish-brown in part or overall. Gills: attached or free, close to almost distant, broad; yellowish-white. Stalk: (1-7.5 cm) long, ( 1.5-5 mm) thick; straight, dry, rubbery, smooth or with long, twisted ribs, minutely hairy or felted; white to pale or orange-yellow, yellow- or light reddish-brown; solid to stuffed. Spores: 7-10 X 4-6 u elliptical, smooth, colorless.
Keywords: Fairy, Ring, Mushroom
Date: 06.04.2003 07:39
Hits: 215
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File size: 84.1 KB
Added by: Psynaut

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Join Date: 13.03.2002
Comments: 21
Scotch Bonnet

Also known as the "Scotch Bonnet." This mushroom is an excellent edible, but it must be carefully examined to avoid being confused with a poisonous clitocybe of inocybe. It dries readily and becomes easily overlooked in grassy areas; then, when it rains, it revives and appears to have sprung up overnight. In early times, the rings were thought to be magical places where fairies danced in a circle on moonlit nights or gnomes buried their treasure. Fairy rings increase in size each year, as the mushroom's underground life-support system-a tangle of threads called the mycelium-grows outward, seeking nourishment. In the West, segments of some rings are 600 years old
06.04.2003 07:40

Join Date: 02.04.2003
Comments: 2
psychonauts fave..

someone told me that psycho likes the fairies found on the island
07.04.2003 20:56

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