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Cancer Anxiety Trial with Psilocybin in Baltimore
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TOPIC: Cancer Anxiety Trial with Psilocybin in Baltimore

Cancer Anxiety Trial with Psilocybin in Baltimore 2 years ago #1129


I'm in a unique position to support recruitment for the John Hopkins cancer anxiety trial because I am the study coordinator for a similar trial that is concluding in Los Angeles at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Ironically, I was diagnosed with breast cancer five months after I started working on the study, so I "get it" more than most researchers.

Since January 2006, I have worked participants who had cancer and anxiety. We provided psilocybin in a clinical setting with therapeutic intentions. The medicine was tolerated well, and no one "freaked out." Overall, people reported having a positive experience, and some found it very helpful with coping and dealing with deep issues.

For more information about the John's Hopkins study, please click this link:

(The age range for this study is 18-70, and participants need to be able to travel to Baltimore. They must have cancer for this trial ibut it does not need to be at an advanced stage f they meet the anxiety requirement.)

If you have specific questions, you can post a reply to me here. I will be checking the site every two weeks.

Kind Regards,
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