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Help a noobie choose a log?
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TOPIC: Help a noobie choose a log?

Help a noobie choose a log? 5 years, 1 month ago #966

  • Brew
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 1
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Hey everyone, I'm as new as can be to this and would like some advice. My plan is to order a shiitake kit (something simple) from the internet for indoor cultivation. I've found both hardwood logs which are shown yielding around a half dozen to ten fruiting bodies at a time and composite "patches" or "blocks" of sawdust and hardwood chips which often yield multiple dozens at once. Can you guys recommend either a particular site whose products are quality or just a guideline of which form of substrate to order (I would guess the obvious higher-yielding patches)? Is there anything else I should consider in a simple, ready-to-grow kit? Thanks a ton!

-Brew the Noob
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