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Sterile agar basics and tips
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TOPIC: Sterile agar basics and tips

Re: Sterile agar basics and tips 6 years ago #369

  • peterthinks
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I've never tried compost...well I have a stack of tires in the back that I dump grass clippings into but it's not a deliberate composting effort to make mushrooms.

Re: Sterile agar basics and tips 2 years, 6 months ago #1110

  • dasja
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-Saran Wrap (cut off 1 inch from the end of a roll)instead of Parafilm for sealing petridishes and test tubes.

Isn't the point of using parafilm is that it is a microweave bandage that allows CO2 to escape and oygen into the culture...but not the contams because it is microweave?! I would think sealing a tube completely off will slowly sufficate an attampt to store a culture.
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