Read and learn Grasshopper.
Avoid my stupid mistakes!
-Soak grain overnight to wake up bacteria before you pressure cook it to avoid mystery contamination.
-Use petri dishes before they grow out to the edge,contaminations hang out at the edge,don't use the edge of the dish for propagating.
-Bring your pressure cooker to a boil,vent 3 minutes and bring up to pressure then turn it down to a simmer,you release contaminants and avoid caramelizing the sugar/starch in your agar.The weight should barely dance.
-Propane torches are better than alcohol lamps,no soot.
-Don't forget anniversaries.
-Back up your cultures.One in cold storage,one you play with.
-Keep prints to make new cultures if your clones die.
-Incubate your poured agar dishes and slants with no cultures in them,do this for two days so any contaminants will show up before you try to use them for cloning or storage.
-When transfering make at least 3 copies in case something gets screwed up you still have two or one left.
-frutopia bottles make great lab glass and they seal vacuum tight.
-Dump failed cultures at the end of the day OUTSIDE! then have a shower and dump all your clothes in the laundry.Do no sterile work after dumping contaminated cultures.