Good topic
Normally I would say no......screwing with mother nature isn't a good thing, BUT:
There are situations when this is practical - for example, each year the forest here in coastal western Canada produce large amounts of marketable gourmet mushrooms, which produces a multi million a year industry and food source for many. Unforutanly, many of these areas are being clear-cut and many more have been cut already. In the lat 4 years, 3 of my best spots have been clear cut.
So, as a means of providing a alternative to logging and the revenue it produces, I think that setting aside sections of forest that can be inoculated and conditioned to provide optimum mushroom production is a great idea. This creates a renewable recourse that can be harvested every year (instead of every 50+ years like logging) and I would assume the revenue from this would rival what is made from logging it.
I any case, such a situation would be much less destructful then the clear cutting that's happening now....