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mail order ripoffs
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TOPIC: mail order ripoffs

mail order ripoffs 2 years, 8 months ago #1102

  • Uncle-Buck
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 2
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this seems to be the forum to post reports of mail order ripoffs
because growing mushrooms is where someone is most likely to get riped off

and yes I did get riped off just because you didn't get riped off by this guy doesn't mean I didn't get riped off

I sent my money to in February and haven't gotten my spores
I emailed this guy and was told that they were shipped the first time
the seconded time I emailed this guy I was accused of trying to rip hem off

he may not be a flat out rip off BUT if there is any problems with shipments from hem you will be
shit out of luck
he will not make any efforts to make things good

Re: mail order ripoffs 2 years, 8 months ago #1103 is one of the most highly repitable spore vendors out, and is a sponsor to many big shroom communitys around so sounds like you got unlucky. They have been always very helpful on delays, and have in many cases had free spore syringes given in orders for no reason as well.

Sorry to hear about your bad luck, but they do help with delayed and lost shipment.

Re: mail order ripoffs 2 years, 8 months ago #1104

  • Uncle-Buck
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 2
  • Karma: 0
that not the story I get from all but his forum
the story I get from the admens at ALL BUT his forum is that he is the worst ripoff there ever was
all anyone ever got from hem when reporting a problem with his scam was verbal abuse
his spores are bunk full of contams or dead

as a matter of fact none of the mushroom forums will allow hem to sponsor them they will not even tack his money
and haven baned hem as a user

how much did he pay you to defend hem ?

Re: mail order ripoffs 2 years, 8 months ago #1105

  • Pilz33
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 2
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There was a time spores101 was great. keeps up with their vendors/sponsors pretty well....and due to the rip off's and bad customer service...they are no longer allowed to be a shroomery sponsor....I think this says a lot.

Re: mail order ripoffs 2 years, 6 months ago #1108

  • dasja
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Thank you! I had considered ordering from that site but now I will make another choice. I was concerned about the lack of variety on there so I had been waiting and researching. Thank goodness I did!

Re: mail order ripoffs 2 years, 6 months ago #1111

actually the were removed for using mushroom images that other sites had in usage or copyrighted somethin or other. There are even posts saying there was no bad blood, but thats how things ended, no more sponsership.
Spores101 is a great place in my experience, even recent.
I've also done sporeworks, thegoodspore, and a few other randoms, There *are* rip-off companies out there, but I'm sorry I don't agree that Spores101 is one of those companies.
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